Mladen Bizumic

Artist in Residence: 29 November – 22 December 2007
In association with Sue Crockford Gallery

An Expedition–Yet To Happen is an exhibition structured in three acts – Aotearoa, Old Europe and Mars. Each work starts with a particular location yet none is a literal depiction of the location. Rather, these are tales of travel and tales that have travelled. The exhibition features a range of recent and past works that highlight Bizumic’s use of multimedia. On view will be a selection of recent paintings, video installations, sculptures, as well as three text works.

In the new series of paintings States in Transition, Bizumic continues his research into the phenomenology of structures. Each canvas begins with topographical lines of geography; these lines while depicting no particular place explore our relationship between subjectivity and representation, physical locations and psychological states, memory and present.

The exhibition offers the experience of a traveller into the unknown, prepared and yet desiring the unexpected, with the proposition that our engagement with art is a form of movement, of travel, a journey across time and space towards something we consider the work of art, – although that work might only exist in our working towards it.

Bizumic was awarded the 2006-2007 Creative New Zealand Artist-In-Residence to Berlin and returned to Auckland at the end of 2007 after 12 months in which he has been invited to represent New Zealand in 4 major international biennales: Busan Biennale 2006, Korea; Moscow Biennale 2007, Russia; Istanbul Biennale 2007, Turkey and Lyon Biennale 2007, France.

Mladen Bizumic, Sister Cities of Berlin (Paris) 2007